Being in a playful mood, this shirt from Izumiya seemed like the perfect thing to wear. It comes with suspenders that appear to lift it up. I especially love how cute it looks in the back. The shirt comes in two lengths (for those who don't want the skin showing) and with two sleeve options, for 50L.
Hair: - 7R - Fanny Hair in coral reef
Skin: Redgrave - Hana pale nacre
Eyes: Fresh Fx - Realism Eyes in mossy green
Shirt: IZUMIYA - Suspender Shirt in white
Shorts: NoaR - Check Short Pants in yellow
Shoes: Ordinary - Short Leather Boots
Mustache: Kurotsubaki - Hige (Valentine gift)
Pipe: Kurotsubaki - Bent-apple Usagi (Valentine gift)
Band-aid: Reek - I Heart Bandaid Knees in lightning
Pose 1: LOTTA - Model049
Pose 2: C'est la vie - Standing Pose Cool#15
Pose 3: Vain Inc - HauteCouture9
hwllo I looked for the hair fanny that you wear but its notion the store you have Put LM here. Where did you find it I like to buy greetings SJ
It was a trial hair for a new line they put out. I just checked and it's not there anymore :( . Maybe you could IM the owner and ask him about it.
awwww crys well i dont know them maybe they this annoyed when i contact them....its ok i have millions hair LOL but I like thia hair very much :))
OH something else would you like to exchange links? to blogs I will add your blog to our blog roll would be nice if you add us too :))
ooh cute outfitt! <3 the t- shirt! ^^!
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